First Draft Date 06/02/2013
Revision 1.0 Date: 07/31/2013
Revision 1.1 Date: 05/30/2014
Always check HERE for the most recent revision (and to download a copy).
Click HERE for a recommended plant list.
Opening Statement:
In light of frequent and persistent drought conditions in the area, and recent legislation regarding HOA’s and Xeriscaping, the Springbrook Board has formulated the following guidelines to assist homeowners who wish to adopt water conservation friendly landscaping methods. We believe that it is in the best interest of the Association and our fellow homeowners to follow these guidelines as closely as possible to preserve both the beauty of our community and the value of our homes. Please be advised that all Xeriscaping plans must be approved by the ACC BEFORE beginning any work on the project. The Springbrook HOA Board, the Springbrook Architecture Committee (ACC), and our contracted management company are available to answer any questions you may have and will work carefully with each homeowner to approve designs that further the underlying concept, while still maintaining the appearance of the neighborhood.
About Xeriscaping:
Xeriscaping means using native and adapted plants which grow and sustain themselves with low water requirements, and that can tolerate heat and drought conditions. The City of Austin is vigorously promoting Xeriscaping for resource conservation and environmental protection.
The advantages of Xeriscaping include:
Website | |
Mailing Address | 700 Markert St. Bldg. 3, Cedar Park, Tx 78613 | | |
Phone | 512-918-8100 |
The content of this document was created, and is managed by, Shadana Chancelor-Hurd on behalf of Springbrook HOA.
Please contact the Springbrook HOA Board or Management Company to request changes, corrections, or for more information relating to this document.