The HOA Board and PAMCO Management Company have the ability to issue warning letters, impose fines, work with an attorney to place liens on properties, and to foreclose on properties as a last resort.
These processes take time to research, vote on, and bring to resolution. If you have an immediate safety concern, you must contact the appropriate City of Pflugerville department to get a quick resolution. Several helpful departments include Police, Fire, and Code Enforcement. If you are not sure which department can help you, contact the Citizens Communication Line at 512-251-4004.
Q: Who are the Board Members for Springbrook HOA?
Joe Grimm - President
Rod Walline - VP
Levi Phelps - Secretary
Jessica Johnson - Treasurer/ Newsletter, Website, & Facebook Content Editor
Ashli Pack - Director
We are all homeowners who live in Springbrook. We are all volunteers.
Q: What qualifications does each board member have?
There are no official qualifications for Board Members as far as previous experience or certifications/education. A successful board member will posess a sincere desire to serve the community in an honest and equitable manner. (see Article IX of the Articles of Incorporation and Article VIII of the Bylaws, Section 8.1 through Section 8.8)
Additional qualities include:
Q: Can I become a Board Member?
Yes. All homeowners (in good standing) may run for the "office" of Board Member. Board Members are voted in by homeowners at the Annual Meetings. A good way to make sure you will get a slot on the board is to go door to door and let them know you are running (and why), and get homeowners to sign proxies if they don't plan on attending the meeting. That way, you can use their proxies as votes for you. This is an unpaid / volunteer position, and is at least a 2-yr committment. There has been a lack of interest from the community in joining the Board in the past. If you are not content with the efforts of the current HOA Board, the best way to get the results you want is to join the board. Complaining, but doing nothing to help, is not productive. The Board works hard to help the other homeowners and to improve the community, and so should you.
Q: Is the Board going to enforce the deed restrictions and architectural rules to the letter, and how fast can we expect action?
The Board continually works with our management company and Architectural Committee to ensure deed restrictions are enforced, and enforced as fairly as possible. We have always strived to be compassionate and understanding about residents needs. No one on the board wants to impose fines, but it is sometimes the only way to motivate a homeowner to comply witht he restrictions they agreed to when they purchased their home and/or joined the HOA.
If you noticed a violation ocurring that has not been addressed over a period of time, please contact us to let us know. If you feel that the violation is not remedied fast enough, please keep in mind that the HOA may have already contacted the homeowner and they may have been unable or unwilling to fix the problem. We may be in any number of escalating stages of fines to address the problem. Inaction on the part of the homeowner does not always reflect inaction on the part of the HOA Board.
Report a Violation
Q: When does the Board meet?
HOA Meetings
Q: Where can I find the minutes for past Board Meetings?
HOA Meetings