Contact: Terri Waggoner, Public Information Officer 512-990-6115 Pflugerville moves to Stage 2 water restrictions with a twice-a-week water conservation schedule
The city of Pflugerville announced Tuesday night that as of midnight June 9, 2015, Pflugerville is in Stage 2 Water Restrictions.
“The city of Pflugerville planned ahead for our water needs and therefore has two supplies for water: city wells and a wholesale contract with the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), public works director James Wills said. “Last year 27.5% of our water needs were supplied by our groundwater wells, thus taking pressure off the LCRA and the Highland Lakes. Now that the Highland Lakes have reached more than 1.36 million acre feet and with Pflugerville’s ample ground water supply and award-winning conservation efforts, the city is able to move to Stage 2 Water Restrictions.”
Effective immediately, residents are permitted to water twice-a-week and resume vehicle washing on their designated watering days before 10 a.m. and after 7 p.m. The city continues to encourage residents to use smart water conservation habits.
“We continue to encourage water conservation practices,” Wills said. “Thanks to the 193 billion gallons of water that entered the Highland Lakes last month, the lakes have gone up 588,414 acre feet since May 11.”
Water Conservation Twice-a-Week Outdoor Watering Schedule: (based on street address)
Residential homes with an odd number: Wednesday & Saturday
Residential homes with an even number: Thursday and Sunday
No watering on Mondays
Commercial facilities (apartments, condominiums, civic, commercial, industrial and institutional properties) Tuesday and Friday
By City Ordinance, Stage 2 of Water Restrictions heavily encourage water conservation through the following required practices:
Outdoor watering permitted only between midnight and 10 a.m. or between 7 p.m. to midnight on designated watering days. (Exceptions: New landscapes. During the first 10 days after installation, you may water once a day; for day 11 through 20, once every other day; for day 21 through 30, once every third day. Keep receipts on all new landscape purchases.)
Wash motor vehicles, motorbikes, boats or other vehicles on your designated watering day. Use a bucket or hand-held hose equipped with a shutoff nozzle. (Exception: Commercial car washes, service stations and vehicles such as garbage trucks and those used to transport food and perishables)
Filling and refilling indoor or outdoor swimming pools, wading pools or Jacuzzi-type pools allowed on your watering day.
Don’t operate ornamental fountains or ponds unless it is necessary to support aquatic life or the ponds are equipped with a re-circulation system.
Limit water use from hydrants to fire fighting and related activities. (Exception is possible for construction purposes.)
Washing down of sidewalks, walkways, driveways and other hard-surfaced areas, buildings and structures is permitted on your watering day before 10 a.m. or after 7 p.m.
Repair all leaks as soon as possible, including broken irrigation or sprinkler heads, leaking valves or leaking faucets.
Restaurants are urged to serve water to patrons only upon request. All water customers are required to comply with the water conservation schedule. Watering with a hand-held positive shutoff nozzle or bucket is allowed anytime, any day.
Please report violations to the city of Pflugerville Public Works Department water conservation team at 512-990-6400. For more information on the water restrictions, please visit
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