Join the Springbrook Neighborhood Watch on Facebook here!
The HOA Board and PAMCO Management Company have the ability to issue warning letters, impose fines, work with an attorney to place liens on properties, and to foreclose on properties as a last resort.
These processes take time to research, vote on, and bring to resolution. If you have an immediate safety concern, you must contact the appropriate City of Pflugerville department to get a quick resolution. Several helpful departments include Police, Fire, and Code Enforcement. If you are not sure which department can help you, contact the Citizens Communication Line at 512-251-4004.
Q: What is the purpose of a Neighborhood Watch?
Neighborhood Watches are put in place to help protect the community by identifying and observing anything that might pose a threat to the community, and reporting it to local law enforcement, fire, and EMS. In communities where there is already low or no crime, a Neighborhood Watch can serve as a deterrance to future criminal acts.
Q: What should I do if I see something susupicious or dangerous in my neighborhood?
You should try to gather information about what is going on and give that information to Pflugerville PD. You should NOT risk your safety or the safety of anyone else (including a perpetrator) by trying to "take care if it yourself" or "help the cops". Doing so can result in unwanted consequences, potential liability, and needlessly escalating a situation. There may be certain extreme circumstances where you should intervene, but please report what is going on first, and then follow the instructions of the police in determining your own course of action (if any).
- For non-emergency issues, after hours water, wastewater and safety concerns, call the Citizen's Communication Line. 512-251-4004.
- Feel free to notify the HOA Board after you have contacted the authorities, and we will post it on this website (when/ if needed).
Q: How can I join or form a Neighborhood Watch?
- Neighborhood Watches are conducted on a street-by-street basis, and they do not always coordinate with the other streets in the same subdivision.
- If you are interested in forming or joining the Neighborhood Watch for your street, please contact:
Cpl. Dan Griffith
Certified Crime Prevention Specialist
Pflugerville Police Department
Crime Prevention Team
- If you form a Neighborhood Watch for your street, please let us know and we can list whatever contact information you'd like on the website,.
- Join the Springbrook Neighborhood Watch group page on Facebook here!
Q: Where can I get more resources and information?
(Springbrook HOA does not endorse or verify the information found on these sites. Always use your own best judgement to vet information found online)
City of Pflugerville Nieghborhood watch:
City of Pflugerville Crime Prevention: - the website of the National Council for Home Security and Safety - Home Security Systems of 2020
Q: What can the HOA do to help keep the neighborhood safe?
If you have any ideas to help keep our Homeowners safe and secure, please drop us a line and let us know! We can always use ideas and volunteers.
Q: What else can I do to help prevent crime?
Crime Prevention
Q: How can I help to prevent fires?
Fire Safety Tips
Please use this form if you would like to notify us of a crime or safety concern in Springbrook.
You may also use this form if you would like us to list you as a member of the Neighborhood Watch for your street.
*Note: If you are having an emergency, dial 911! You can let us know about it LATER! :)