Q: How can I join the Springbrook HOA Mailing List?
Use this form to let us know your prefered contact method.
If you provide an email address, we will send you emails. We will not sell your information or send spam emails.
Join Our Mailing List
Q: Can I be removed from the mailing list?
Yes! Just send us an email and let us know you would like to stop receiving emails.
We will still send you actual mail via the post office (statements, etc).
Q: To reduce costs, why don't you just send out ALL correspondence via email (or post on website or Facebook Page), and stop sending regular mail?
We are required by law to make sure we provide you with certain documents and to keep them private if they contain sensitive information (like your statements), and some HOA members either do not have email addresses, or do not wish to provide them to us. Additionally, we can not assume that all HOA members have computers and access to the internet. We are working on developing a system where HOA Members can opt-in to e-bills and e-notifications in order to opt-out of receiving regular mail. In the meantime, we are open to any suggestions you can provide about how to reduce costs, or how to transition into an more electronic system.