Q: How much are my dues?
$57.75 / quarter
$231/ year
Q: Can I get a discount if I pay for the whole year in advance?
Yes! And we encourage you to take advantage of it.
The annual dues are $207.90 if you pay by January 31st.
Q: How do I go about paying the dues?
To Pay By Check:
SpringBrook Owners Association
PO Box 200145
Austin, Texas 78720
All Other Cases, Non-Standard Situations:
Use this webform and the Property Management Company will contact you to discuss options
Submit Pay Request
Q: What happened to the PayPal option?
The PayPal account was set up by a previous management company, and we no longer have access to it.
We are working on setting up a similar option to pay via credit card or PayPal from this webpage, but it is not yet available.
Please use one of the options above to pay your dues until then.
Q: What are my dues used for?
We are a non-profit HOA. All dues paid go back into the community by helping to enforce deed restrictions (CC&R's), maintaining and improving amenities and common areas, hosting community events, etc. Contact the Property Management Company (or attend one of the HOA Meetings) to see our budget and financials for an in-depth view of where your dues are going.
Q: What happens if I get behind in my dues, or stop paying them?
When you purchased this home, or joined the HOA, you were notified that you will be required to pay dues for the services of the HOA. Not paying your dues severly restricts the ability of the HOA to function on behalf of the paying HOA Members. For this reason, if you don't pay on time, you will be subject to fines for late dues, and extended non-payment of dues may result in lien filing and possible foreclosure. If you need to set up a payment plan, please contact the management company ASAP.
Q: What payment plans are available and how do payment plans work?
Coming Soon
Q: What happens if I am on a payment plan and I miss a payment?
Contact the Management Company for details.
Q: I have a question about my Dues Statement, who can I ask?
Contact the Property Management Company
Q: I need to dispute my Dues Statement. I contacted the Property Management Company and they did not resolve the issue to my satisfaction. What do I do now?
Contact the HOA Board or attend one of our meetings, and we will address your concern.