Q: What are current improvement plans for the neighborhood (if any)?
A: Our main objectives are to continue improvements to the park on Wilke Ridge, to get irrigation to the subdivision entry signs so we can improve plantings in those beds, and to get enough homeowner support to improve the outside fences. At this time, our top investment priority is the park. We have made dramatic improvements to the park in the last few years and many more improvements are in process.
Park Improvements Already Made: Trail added, grass added, irrigation added (half), playground added, pavilion added, shaded seating added, park sign added, plants added, landscaping pavers added, shed planting bed added, exercise equipment added (a homeowner driven initiative).
Park Improvements In Progress: Trees being planted, trail being extended / improved, more landscaping pavers being added, more plants being added.
Possible Park Improvements For The Future: Overhead trail lighting (solar powered?), extending irrigation to other half of park, more exercise equipment, memorial plaques, shade trees over parking area, more shaded seating, lighting in trees, a better water fountain, a bathroom, a call box, a notice board, etc. Let us know what you would like to see here: Park Suggestions
Q: Why don't we have a pool or a clubhouse?
When KB built the homes in Springbrook, they promised to build a community pool, but they did not live up to that promise. This means that the homeowners would have to foot the bill to build one. They never promised a clubhouse, and they did not build one.
1) We do not have the revenue to build a pool (estimated at about $200k initial expense for pool, decking, fencing around, bathrooms/changing rooms, and key card access technology + monthly maintenance costs), so whether we got a loan for it, or saved up over a period of years, we would require a substantial dues increase to make this happen.
2) Though it would add to their property value, not all homeowners wish to have their dues increased to offset the cost of building a pool.
3) A project of this magnitude would require 67% of the homeowners to agree and a formal vote would need to be held at our annual meeting. In 2012, the turnout at the annual meeting was about 3% of total homeowners, so it is unlikely that this initiative would be adopted.
4) If you would like to put some life behind this initiative, we invite you to form a Pool or Clubhouse Commitee. You can advertise it in the newsletter to get help from other homeowners, research costs, get proposals, and circulate a petition (door to door) to gage homeowner interest in getting a pool, then "get out the vote" to get homeowners to the annual meeting to vote on it. The all volunteer HOA board does not have the free-time needed to devote to this project. Do you?
5) We will add a survey on this website to also gage interest in the project. Submit yours as soon as it is posted.
Q: Where is the HOA Park Located?
Our Neighborhood Park is located at 17910 Wilke Ridge Lane.
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/1Ljo
Q: What is the distance of the running track at the park on Wilke Ridge.
A: The outside loop is 1/4 mile. The inside loop is about 1/8 mile.
Q: Can I Rent / Reserve the Pavilion in the Springbrook HOA Park? How much does it cost?
Yes! The advantage to renting the pavilion is that you do not have to share it with other homeowners during that time. Your reservation gives you exclusive use of it. However, the rest of the park is still open to all Springbrook homeowners.
The cost is $25 per day. ($100 deposit, with $75 of that refundable if conditions are met).
More info available here: Pavilion Rental Form
Q: What happened to the Basketball Court? Can we put in a Basketball Court?
We used to have a basketball court on the site where our pavillion now stands. It was removed because it unfortuately became a magnet for vandalism and loitering by people who are not even Springbrook residents. We currently do not have a way to limit outsider access to our park, and received several complaints from homeowners about suspicious activity taking place on the court. We also had expenses routinely encurred from replacing damaged or stolen basketball nets, and removing graphiti. Building another basketball court at this point would require a dues increase that many homeowners might not feel is worth it. For all these reasons, at this time we do not foresee putting in another basketball court. If you would like to put some life behind this initiative, we invite you to form a Basketball Court Commitee. You can advertise it in the newsletter to get help from other homeowners, research costs, get proposals, and circulate a petition (door to door) to gage homeowner interest, then "get out the vote" to get homeowners to the annual meeting to vote on it. The all volunteer HOA board does not have the free-time needed to devote to this project. Do you?